Shining Stars for the month of January.
Parents: Coming up at the end of the month will be a dress up week.
February 27th - March 3rd
Please help CCES wish Mrs. Nellie a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Today is Mrs. Nellie Day at CCES!
Just have to BRAG!
The Daddy Daughter Dance is this Friday, February 3, 2023 at First United Methodist Activities Center from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The photographer will be on site at 5:00 pm. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at Judy’s Small World. This event is sponsored by the Crisp County Community Council. For more information call 229-271-1054. Thanks for your support!
Mrs. Lisa Lewis' students took time to read for World Read Aloud Day!
They also made Orange Fizzies with baking soda and citrus fruit!
Teacher and Support person of the Month for January.
Please congratulate them!
Just have to BRAG!
Mrs. Rosemary Brown received a gift from the Crisp County Extension Office today for her participation in a 4-H project.
CCES loves Mrs. Rosemary and our cafeteria staff!
Congratulations to our first Cougar Way Champion Mrs. Terry Poole!
Parent/Student Science Night is this Thursday at 5:30pm
Thursday is also the 100th day of school. Students may dress like they are 100 or wear 100 items/objects on their clothing. (Example: stickers, painted polka dots, pearls, beads, etc.)
HOSA members also have a meeting this day from 3:30-4:30pm.
Thursday January 19th at 5:30
Huge congratulations goes to our spelling bee participants and our grade level winners. Our winners will go on to compete in the district spelling bee this month.
Read Across America Week T-Shirts. Forms went home last week.
Starting today students may bring in their items.
*Flyers/letters for this were sent home last week. The letter is also posted on our school website.
Just have to BRAG!
Mrs. Roney's students wrote about their goals for 2023.
Parents are ready and students are . . . . well. . . EXCITED! Right?!
We hope you all enjoyed the holidays! See you Wednesday!
Just have to BRAG!
Shining Stars for the month of November.